
WordPress Course Quiz

MCQ Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

4 points for each correct answer

40 minutes to answer all the questions

Take 75% or higher than to get your certificate

Time Left: 30:00
01. How many ways to use WordPress?
02. Which relational database does WordPress use?
03. What is the name of the first page you encounter after logging into your web page?
04. You can click the tabs at the bottom of a workbook to switch between ________.
05. Wordpress is a,
06. How many types of post format available in WordPress?
07. How many types of plans are accessible in WordPress?
08. What is highest privilege level in WordPress?
09. What do you mean by permalink?
10. Which programming language is used to write WordPress?
11. Which one is incorrect of the following isn't a WordPress role?
12. What is the dissimilarity in WordPress Posts and Pages?
13. Which case we can't recommend WordPress to our client?
14. What is name of configuration file in WordPress ?
15. Where wp_config.php file is located?
16. How many templates can one theme contain?
17. What are the steps you can take if your WordPress file is hacked?
18. Why WordPress is so popular?
19. How many default tables are in WordPress?
20. Which is not a advantage of WordPress Plugins?
21. What is the best way to describe WordPress?
22. The correct plugin installation process in WordPress is,
23. How can add a sidebar to WordPress theme?
24. Where are WordPress themes found?
25. How many WordPress posts can create?
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