Unless your web site follows a sound marketing strategy, it will be difficult to survive along with innumerable web sites of the competitors. Your web design should be so as to stand out from other web sites. Needless to say your web site should draw a number of users. A well-designed web site not only attracts users but it also ensures that the users will keep coming back.
A web site that has proper information, designing and that is easily navigable will surely draw attention of users. But to survive in the global market and to spread the business you have to be careful about its marketing. When it comes to popularizing a web site, web designing and marketing go hand in hand.

To make your web site easily accessible to your target audiences, you need to optimize it according to their convenience. With good site optimization, it will secure a noticeable position on the search engines. For search engine optimization, you need to ensure both on page and off page optimization.
The web design for the web sites should be optimized so that the pages are easily found on the search engines. The on page optimization will include adding the Meta sections to the pages. The off page optimization includes link exchange, article exchange, creating blog contents, article submission and many more.
Joining forums is also part of promoting and popularizing your business. Along with joining forums that interests you, do not forget to add your signature. It is going to make a good amount of difference.
To get a good number of clients, it is essential to market web sites. If you can provide a portfolio of your work or give detailed information about your business, clients will be convinced about your potential for business and the quality of work you provide.
-Thanks to original owner of this course-
''Design Your Imagination'' – the Web Design e-book by WebGuru-India is all rights reserved.