In e-commerce there may be no physical store, and in most cases the buyer and seller do not see each other. The Web and telecommunications technologies play a major role, in e-commerce. Although the goals and objectives of both ecommerce and traditional commerce are the same—selling products and services to generate profits—they do it quite differently. Traditional commerce presents product information by using magazines, flyers. On the other hand, ecommerce presents by using web sites and online catalogs. Traditional commerce communicates by regular mail, phone yet e-commerce by e-mail.

Traditional commerce checks product availability by phone, fax and letter. However, e-commerce checks by e-mail, web sites, and internal networks. Traditional commerce generates orders and invoices by printed forms but ecommerce by e-mail, and web sites. Traditional commerce gets product acknowledgments by phone and fax. On the other hand, e-commerce gets by email, web sites, and EDI.
It is important to notice that currently many companies operate with a mix of traditional and e-commerce. Just about all medium and large organizations have some kind of e-commerce presence. The followings are some examples, Toys-R-Us, Wal-Mart Stores, GoldPC, and Vatan Computer.