It is not only about just web site hosting. A web site has to be designed according to the needs of the users or viewers as well as keeping in mind the marketing strategy. The web sites also need to be search engine friendly so that the web crawlers can identify the relevant web pages easily. Creating the web pages of sites to receive good ranking on search engines, the different processes for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are to be followed.

Here are some of the basic tips for SEO friendly web design:
• Through proper use of Meta tags in web designing the web pages can be made SEO friendly. The Meta tags should contain relevant key words so that crawlers can easily find the pages.
• Use of SEO friendly URLs for sites is another process of securing high ranks on search engines. The modern web technologies for web designing should not be compromised with.
• W3C Design for web pages is SEO friendly. Web designers of recent days use this web designing to avoid errors on pages.
• While web designing, menu links and proper navigation structure are to be maintained. These enable the search engines as well as human users to find the relevant pages of the site.
• The SEO errors while coding for the web pages are to be avoided. To make the web site rank well on search engines, the web design should so planned so as to appeal the visitors of the site.
• Use of standard HTML is preferable for web designing to make the site SEO friendly. Use of complicated software will cause addition of redundant scripting and also pose difficulty for web crawlers to crawl the pages.
• The spiders find it easier to crawl web pages of small size. Thus Java Script and external Cascading Style Sheets are to be used for web designing. They will lessen the page size and the time for downloading them will also be reduced accordingly.
• The web sites that use too much of flash designing can be a disadvantage for Search Engine Optimization. So the use of heavy images and Flash should be avoided as much as it is feasible.
• A site map can be designed so that spiders can easily trace the web pages.
In today’s competitive market, the web design should be so planned that it complements the needs of SEO. Web designing of a site definitely affects the process of SEO. So attempts must be taken to rank the web sites with intelligent use of SEO friendly web designing.
• The spiders find it easier to crawl web pages of small size. Thus Java Script and external Cascading Style Sheets are to be used for web designing. They will lessen the page size and the time for downloading them will also be reduced accordingly.
• The web sites that use too much of flash designing can be a disadvantage for Search Engine Optimization. So the use of heavy images and Flash should be avoided as much as it is feasible.
• A site map can be designed so that spiders can easily trace the web pages.
In today’s competitive market, the web design should be so planned that it complements the needs of SEO. Web designing of a site definitely affects the process of SEO. So attempts must be taken to rank the web sites with intelligent use of SEO friendly web designing.