
Steps Involved in Framing IMC

It is likely that integrated marketing communication will be expected to make a number of contributions toward meeting the marketing objectives. Thus the main steps in designing IMC are :

1) Identification of target audience : Defining the target audience is one of the first steps in designing the IMC. While thinking about the target audience one must look well beyond traditional demographic considerations. It is also important to 'think ahead' and ask the following question.

• What are the relevant target buyer groups?
• What are the target group's demographic, lifestyle ,and psycho-graphic profile?
• How is the trade involved?

2) Determining the communication objectives : The next step is setting the communication objectives. There may be different communication objectives like increase in sales, brand image and good will, expansion of business. Thus the seller has to evaluate all this objectives and select the one which he intends to achieve.

3) Determining the message : An effective message should get attention, hold interest, arouse desire, & obtain action (AIDA model). In practice, few messages take the consumer all the way from awareness to purchase, but the AIDA framework suggests the desirable qualities of a good message. In putting the message together, the marketing communicator must decide what to say & how to say it. , who should say it. Thus the communicator should focuss more on message content, message format and message structure.

4) Selecting the communication channel : There are two broad types of communication channels - Personal and Non personal.

a. Personal Communication Channels : In personal Communication channels, two or more people communicate directly with each other. They might communicate face-to-face, over the telephone, through the mail or even through an internet chat. Personal Communication channels are effective because they are allowed for personal addressing the feedback.

b. Non Personal Communication Channels : Non personal communication channels include media at most yearend events. Media consists of:
1. Print media -newspapers, magazines, direct mail etc.
2. Broadcast media-radio, television etc.
3. Electronic media-audiotapes, videotapes, CD-ROM, web page etc.
4. Display media-billboards, signs, posters, banners, hoardings etc.

Most of the non personal messages come through paid media.

5) Determining the budget : This is one of the most important decisions of IMC process. The effective IMC depends upon the budget set for communication Mix. The marketer prepares the budget taking into nature of the customers, objectives, nature of competitions and also availability of funds.

6) Promotion Mix decision : After determining budget it is essential to determine the promotional mix. Promotional mix is the combination of various tools like advertising, public relation, personnel selling and so on. Because of different marketing environment thee has to be variation in communication mix. One medium which is effective in one market may not be equally effective in another market.

7) Implementation of promotion mix : The marketer then makes an arrangement to implement the communication mix. The seller has to select the right media in order to put across the promotion message.

8) Follow up : Here the advertiser has to review the performance in terms of sales and purchase. If the performance is as per communication objectives there is nothing to worry. On the other hand if the performance falls below the communication objectives then certain corrective step have to be taken.


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