
Saving and sending movies

The Save Movie Wizard lets you quickly save your project as a final movie. The timing, layout, and contents of the project are saved as one complete movie. You can save and store the movie on your computer or on a recordable CD, or you can send it as an attachment in an e-mail message or to a video hosting provider on the Web. In addition to these choices, you can choose to record your movie to a tape in a DV camera. 

This page of the Save Movie Wizard lets you select which movie saving option you want to use, depending on what you want to do with the final movie. The following options appear on this page.

My computer - Specifies that you want to save your movie to your local computer or to a shared network location. 

Recordable CD - Specifies that you want to save your movie to a recordable or rewriteable CD (CD-R or CD-RW). Choose this option if you have a rewriteable or recordable CD drive attached to your computer and you want to save your final movie to a recordable or rewriteable CD. 

E-mail - Specifies that you want to save your movie as an attachment to send in an e-mail message. Choose the option to share smaller movies with others by sending them in e-mail by using your default e-mail program. 

The Web - Specifies that you want to save your movie and then send it to a video hosting provider on the Web. A video hosting provider is a third-party provider on the Web that provides a Web server location and hosts the movies you save in Windows Movie Maker. Choose this option if you want to save your movie so family and friends can watch your movie on the Web. 

DV camera - Specifies that you want to send your movie to a tape in your DV camera. This option is available when you have a DV camera connected to an IEEE 1394 port. Choose this option if you want to save your movie to a tape so you and others can watch it on the DV camera or on a TV (when you connect the camera to a TV).

Saving a Movie to My Computer

The My computer saving option lets you save your movie for playback on your local computer. When you select this option, the final movie is stored in the specified location on your computer or on a shared network location. 

If you click the My computer option, the Save Movie Wizard proceeds as follows. 

  1. Specify a movie file name and place for your movie to be saved.
  2. Choose a movie setting for saving your movie.
  3. Wait for your movie to be saved.
  4. Complete the Save Movie Wizard.

Saving a movie to a recordable CD

The Recordable CD saving option lets you save your movie for playback on a recordable or rewriteable CD (CD-R or CD-RW). When this option is selected, the final movie is saved to a recordable or rewriteable CD in the Save Movie Wizard. 

You can choose to save one or more movies to a recordable CD, which typically holds up to 650 MB. Therefore, you may have one large movie or several smaller movies on the same CD. You can save several movies to the same recordable or rewriteable CD at different times. This lets you add more movies to a recordable CD as you create and save more movies at different times in Windows Movie Maker 

If you click the Recordable CD option, the Save Movie Wizard proceeds as follows. 

  1. Specify a movie file name and CD name.
  2. Choose a setting for saving your movie.
  3. Wait for your movie to be saved.
  4. Complete the Save Movie Wizard.

Sending a movie in e-mail

The E-mail saving option lets you save your movie and then send it as an attachment by using your default e-mail program. When this option is selected, the final movie is saved to a temporary location, and then sent as an e-mail attachment. 

If you click the E-mail saving option, the Save Movie Wizard proceeds as follows.
  1. Wait for your movie to be saved. 
  2. Complete the Save Movie Wizard. 
To send a movie as an attachment in an e-mail message 
  1. On the File menu, click Save Movie File, and then click E-mail or In the Movie Tasks pane, under Finish Movie, click Send in e-mail. 
  2. After the movie is saved, do any of the following:
    To play the movie in your default player before sending it, click Play the movie.
    To save a local copy of the movie on your computer in addition to sending as an e-mail attachment, click Save a copy of my movie on my computer, enter a movie file name in the File name box, and then click Save. 
  3. In your default e-mail program, enter the e-mail address of the person you are sending the movie to, add any additional text to the body, and then send the message. 

Sending a movie to the Web

The Web saving option lets you save your movie and then send it to a video hosting provider on the Web. The hosting providers are third-party companies that let you store your movies on their Web server. In Windows Movie Maker, you can choose from a variety of hosting providers. After your movie is sent to the Web server, you can provide your family and friends with the Web address so they can watch your movie on the Web. 

When using The Web saving option, the Save Movie Wizard proceeds as follows.
  1. Specify a movie file name. 
  2. Choose a setting for saving your movie. 
  3. Wait for your movie to be saved. 
  4. Wait for the most current video hosting provider information to download from the Web. 
  5. Select a video hosting provider, and then enter your account sign-in information. 
  6. Wait for your sign in account information to be verified. 
  7. Wait for your movie to be sent to the video hosting provider that you specified. 
  8. Complete the Save Movie Wizard.

Recording a movie to a DV camera

The DV Camera saving option lets you record the movie you create to a tape in a DV camera through Windows Movie Maker. This lets you or others watch the final movie on a DV camera or on TV when you connect the camera to a TV. When you choose this option, the movie is recorded to the tape in your DV camera, so it appears on the tape with existing video you might have recorded back to tape or recorded with your DV camera. 

To record your movie to tape, your DV camera needs to be in the playback mode (often labeled VCR or VTR on your camera). 

If you click the DV Camera saving option, the Save Movie Wizard proceeds as follows. 

  1. If you have more than one DV device connected to your computer and powered on, select the DV device on the DV Camera page that contains the tape that you want to record your movie to. 
  2. Set your camera to playback mode, and then rewind or fast-forward the tape to the point where you want your movie to be recorded. 
  3. Wait for your movie to be created and then recorded to tape. 
  4. Complete the Save Movie Wizard.

When naming and saving a movie you are going to send in an e-mail message or to the Web, use the characters A through Z (uppercase or lowercase), the numbers 0 through 9, and the period (.) in the movie file name. Some Web servers and proxy servers can only understand these characters. 

The following characters cannot be used in the movie file name: < > * ? / \ | ; = + [ ] ( ) " :

Specifies the location to which you want to save your movie. This option appears when you choose the My computer saving option. To change the place the movie is saved to, either click one of the places in the drop-down box or click the Browse button, and then choose the new place for the saved move in the resulting dialog box.


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