Women can lead anything towards
success due to their creativity, dedication,
risk taking ability, intelligence, gumption and
flexibility. Owing to above qualities, women today
choose to be successful entrepreneurs individually
or as groups by identifying new opportunities and
converting them to their own business. Further
they provide job opportunities to others through
their businesses.

Need of women choosing to do businesses
It has become necessary for women to enter into the entrepreneurship field today.
There are many reasons for this.
1. To achieve a satisfactory income level
Since cost of living has increased at present, it has become difficult to run the
affairs of a home only with the income of one individual. In order to avoid this, it is
necessary for women to earn an income through a business.
2. Majority of the population being women
When analyzing the composition of population of most countries, it is evident that
women represents the majority. Hence, we can come to the conclusion that there
is a considerable women representation within the workforce of world. Hence,
women should venture in to business and should give their contribution to uplift the
economy of the country.
3. High unemployment among women
Unemployment rate is high among women. It is a waste of resources of a country.
When women enter in to business, their contribution can be used to increase
the national production. It will be a solution to unemployment since they create
employment for themselves and for the others.
4. Existence of businesses which need contribution of women
Women’s contribution is needed for the businesses which require unique skills of
women and qualities like softness and kindness.
5. Trend of women getting higher education
There is an increasing trend among women to get school education as well as
higher education. They can contribute for the economic development of the country
by starting businesses independently by making use of the higher education they