
Microsoft Office Access 2013 Quiz

MCQ Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

4 points for each correct answer

40 minutes to answer all the questions

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Time Left: 40:00
01. Which of the following is not a type of MS Access database object?
02. In which method we don't need to specify the field type and size while creating a new Table
03. What can be the maximum length of a text field ?
04. What is a form that we can create in MS Access?
05. The columns in a Microsoft access table are also called _______ .
06. Which of the following is not a field type in Microsoft Access?
07. Which of the following is not a type of relationship that can be applied in Access database?
08. Which of the following is a method to create a new table in MS Access?
09. In a database table, the category of information is called,
10. Which of the following database object hold data?
11. Which of the following may not be a database?
12. Queries in MS Access can be used ____________
13. Which of the following shows the final result in a presentable way?
14. Which of the following store command to gather data from database?
15. Which of the following expresses correct order?
16. How can we remove a relationship defined between two tables?
17. The task of arranging data in order is called,
18. ________ property is used to set the maximum size for data stored in a field?
19. MDE file is a,
20. Which key is used to join the two table in MS-Access?
21. What are the different views to display a Table?
22. In MS-Access to open new database press,
23. In MS-Access press CTRL+O to,
24. How can you display the relationship in a database?
25. Which of the following statement is true?
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