
Media Planning-Introduction

Media planning is an exercise to find the best medium or combination of media that will produce the best overall effect relative to the needs of the advertised brand. Media planning in general should involve optimum benefits in the long run. The media mix, in terms of balance of usage for TV, radio and print media or other types of media vehicles, should be such that the best utility of the advertising budget is obtained, and duplication of audience is avoided as far as possible.

There is no single best media strategy that is applicable in varied situations or sometimes even in similar situations. Media strategies also differ because of changing situations. For example, the state of the economy changes just as consumers. tastes change. Advertisements for luxurious cars would therefore not be effective during times of economic depression. Similarly, advertisements about blue jeans, when jeans are not in fashion, would not have much impact.

To select the right media and to search the right target audience for a desired response the advertiser or his advertising agency should go for a systematic media planning.

The following are the steps in media planning:

1. Decide Target Market
It is necessary to decide specific market where planned efforts can be directed.

2. Media Objectives
Media objectives are often stated in term of reach, frequency, gross rating points and continuity.

(a) Reach : It refers to the number of different persons or household exposed to a particular media schedule at least once during a specific time period.
(b) Frequency : It refers to the number of times within the specified time period that an average person or household is exposed to message.
(c) Gross Ratings Points : It refers to the total weight of a media effort in quantitative terms. GRP.s are equal to each multiplied by average frequencies.

3. Selection of Media Types
Every media plan requires that specific media types to be selected. There are a number of advertising media available to the advertiser for advertising the goods etc.

4. Selecting Specific Media Vehicle
Once a decision is made on media types, specific media vehicles within each medium must be chosen.

5. Allocation of Funds
The planner should than decide on the amount of funds that would be allocated to each media type and vehicle.

6. Media Scheduling
Media scheduling could be used depending upon the requirements of the advertisers.


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