
Internet and WWW Quiz

MCQ Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

4 points for each correct answer

40 minutes to answer all the questions

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Time Left: 40:00
01. Internet is,
02. Each computer connected to the internet must,
03. Internet uses,
04. World Wide Web,
05. A world wide web contains web pages,
06. HTML stands for,
07. WWW stands for,
08. System in a computer which translates an IP address into an easier name is called,
09. Which one of the following is not a web browser?
10. Which one of the following is not a search engine?
11. The internet allows you to,
12. Which of the following enables users to visit a web site?
13. ISP stands for,
14. Who is the founder of WWW?
15. What is the world first web browser?
16. Who owns Safari web browser?
17. Pv6 addressed have a size of,
18. Which one of these is a example for client email service?
19. Internet's Initial development was supported by,
20. .net domain is used for,
21. Benefit of Email are,
22. What does L in URL stand for?
23. Who is the father of email?
24. _____ is use to transmit information on the World Wide Web.
25. Sending an E–mail similar to,
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