
International Business Management Quiz

MCQ Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

4 points for each correct answer

40 minutes to answer all the questions

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Time Left: 40:00
01. ___________ requires the understanding of crossing cultures, multinational corporations’ interactions, global perspectives, and corporate issues.
02. Which of the following questions must a firm's strategic planners answer?
03. Who is primarily responsible for strategic planning in a firm?
04. What is the first step in selecting a foreign market?
05. ___________ is the most common form of international business activity.
06. Which of the following can be used to enter or expand international operations for a firm?
07. The term globalisation was first used by _________________ of Harvard Business School.
08. Globalization refers to;
09. Which of the following is the main goal of an organisation?
10. ___________ model examines the various stages of the firm.
11. ___________ is the total quantity of a good produced by a sector.
12. Which of the following refers to standardisation in four major decision areas?
13. ___________ activities related to planning, organising, leading, and controlling must be approached from a cross-cultural perspective.
14. An analysis of ___________ enables a firm to know how big is the market and what its nature is.
15. When a firm delegates the task of selling goods abroad to an outside agency, it is called ______________
16. Stakeholders can best be defined as;
17. An analysis of the external environment enables a firm to identify;
18. Which one of the following is a method for an exporter to get a contract?
19. Which is the right sequence of a stages of Internationalization?
20. All commercial transactions between two or more countries are known as ________.
21. Political globalization is the process of,
22. The IMF derives its finances from,
23. In overseas markets higher returns are usually associated with;
24. Country risk is usually lowest in ___________
25. Which of the following is NOT a business opportunity generated by globalization?
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