Learn online marketing strategies to help you market your blog as a whole, as well as each piece of content you create. This is called content marketing. Your content marketing skills will determine how much traffic comes to your website, how many social shares you receive, how many comments are made on your posts and how many subscribers you gain.

Ultimately, the goal is to have as many visitors as possible when you start to monetize your blog. Visitors who you can convert into advertising clicks, affiliate referrals and product/service buyers, depending on your monetization strategy.
Preparing for promotion
Before you start promoting your blog, you will want to make sure it’s ready. This step is checking everything you have done from your start, from setting up your blog to creating your pages and posts.
• Check if your core content is live and ready for promotion.
• Test your menu bar and sidebar links to make sure pages, posts and archives open properly.
• Test your blog on the top browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer) and see if everything looks right.
• Check your contact info and test your contact form to see that it works well. Test your blog comment form to make sure people can easily leave comments.
• Test your social sharing buttons so people can share your posts on the top social networks.
• Test your social sharing buttons to make sure people can share your posts on the top social networks.
• Give your visitors one or more ways to connect with you and subscribe to your blog including an option to subscribe by email.
• Setup Google Analytics to track your visitors, where they come from and top content pages on your website.
Promotion goals
At the start, you will have three main goals for promoting your blog.
• You need to get the word out about your new blog so that those interested in your niche can find your blog, consume your content and spread the word.
• Focus on becoming an authority and gaining trust from your readers and from other influencers within your niche. Build relationships with top bloggers in complementary topic areas and strive to enhance your name and credibility.
• Engagement with your niche market happens every time anyone mentions your blog. When people start discussing your content, be sure to join into the discussion wherever it may be, including on your blog, social networks, forums, etc.
• Think of these goals in everything you do while promoting your blog. Your goals are to get exposure for the blog, establish yourself as an authority and engage with your niche audience.