
Fundamentals of GSM Quiz

MCQ Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

4 points for each correct answer

40 minutes to answer all the questions

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Time Left: 40:00
01. Right now, GSM is the accepted cellular standard in ____________ .
02. Which area of the world first deployed cellular services for commercial use?
03. Modulation refers to ____________ .
04. Which of the following are not telephony services supported by GSM?
05. What is the basic service unit of cellular telephony?
06. The first cellular systems were ____________ .
07. Previously in 1980s, GSM stands for,
08. Which of the following does not come under the teleservices of GSM?
09. Which of the following memory device stores information in GSM?
10. Global Service for Mobile (GSM) uses two bands for duplex,
11. The frequency range specified for GSM is
12. What is the meaning of SMS?
13. What is the maximum number of alphanumeric characters can be sent by a SMS?
14. Which one is a Supplementary Service by GSM?
15. What is the 'barring of outgoing call' service?
16. What is the purpose of using BTS?
17. In GSM each band is divided into 124 channels of
18. GSM is a digital cellular phone system using ____________ .
19. World’s first cellular system was developed by,
20. MIN stands for,
21. In GSM, 2G standards support,
22. What is the functional units of The Switching System?
23. Which one is not a GSM Specification?
24. _______ is a technique in which several different calls may share the same carrier.
25. Which one is not a GSM Subscriber Service?
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