
Formatting Documents

Bold, Underline and Italicize the selected text

1. Open a word document.
2. Block the text by first clicking at the start of the text and holding the left mouse button and drag to the desired position and then release the left mouse button. The selected area will be highlighted.
3. Move the mouse pointer to the button on the Standard Toolbar and click once.
4. Move the mouse pointer outside your text and click to release the highlighting. Your text will now appear in BOLD FACE.
5. Like this you can underline or italicize the desired text.

Left aligning, centering , right aligning and justifying text

1. Open a word document.
2. Block the text by first clicking at the start of the text and holding the left mouse button and drag to the desired position and then release the left mouse button. The selected area will be highlighted.
3. Move the mouse pointer to Align Left button on the toolbar and click once. Your selected text will be left aligned.
4. Move the mouse pointer to Align right button on the toolbar and click once. Your selected text will be right aligned.
5. Move the mouse pointer to Center button on the toolbar and click once. Your selected text will be centered.
6. Move the mouse pointer to Justify button on the toolbar and click once. Your selected text will be justified.

Creating Bulleted and Numbered list

If a list of items are to be numbered automatically it can be done using Numbered List option

Ex: Microsoft Office consists of


The above text is to be selected with mouse.

Click on the Numbered List button on the toolbar
Move out of the text and click to release the highlighting.
Your text will now look like this;

1. MS-Word
2. MS-Excel
3. MS-PowerPoint
4. MS-Access
5. MS-Outlook

Now re-select the text
Click the Bulleted List button on the toolbar.

The numbers should be replaced with bullets as shown below.

· MS-Word
· MS-Excel
· MS-PowerPoint
· MS-Access
· MS-Outlook


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