At the convergence of technology and creative invention in multimedia is virtual reality, or VR. Goggles, helmets, special gloves, and bizarre human interfaces attempt to place you “inside” a lifelike experience. Take a step forward, and the view gets closer, turn your head, and the view rotates. Reach out and grab an object; your hand moves in front of you. Maybe the object explodes in a 90-decibel crescendo as you wrap your fingers around it. Or it slips out from your grip, falls to the floor, and hurriedly escapes through a mouse hole at the bottom of the wall.

VR requires terrific computing horsepower to be realistic. In VR, your cyberspace is made up of many thousands of geometric objects plotted in three-dimensional space: the more objects and the more points that describe the objects, the higher resolution and the more realistic your view. As the user moves about, each motion or action requires the computer to recalculate the position, angle size, and shape of all the objects that make up your view, and many thousands of computations must occur as fast as 30 times per second to seem smooth.
On the World Wide Web, standards for transmitting virtual reality worlds or “scenes” in VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) documents (with the file name extension .wrl) have been developed.
Using high-speed dedicated computers, multi-million-dollar flight simulators built by singer, RediFusion, and others have led the way in commercial application of VR. Pilots of F-16s, Boeing 777s, and Rockwell space shuttles have made many dry runs before doing the real thing. At the California Maritime academy and other merchant marine officer training schools, computer-controlled simulators teach the intricate loading and unloading of oil tankers and container ships.
Specialized public game arcades have been built recently to offer VR combat and flying experiences for a price. From virtual World Entertainment in walnut Greek, California, and Chicago, for example, BattleTech is a ten-minute interactive video encounter with hostile robots. You compete against others, perhaps your friends, who share coaches in the same containment Bay. The computer keeps score in a fast and sweaty firefight. Similar “attractions” will bring VR to the public, particularly a youthful public, with increasing presence during the 1990s.
The technology and methods for working with three-dimensional images and for animating them are discussed. VR is an extension of multimedia-it uses the basic multimedia elements of imagery, sound, and animation. Because it requires instrumented feedback from a wired-up person, VR is perhaps interactive multimedia at its fullest extension.