
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Quiz

MCQ Quiz

Multiple Choice Quiz

4 points for each correct answer

40 minutes to answer all the questions

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Time Left: 40:00
01. ____________ is the current standard language used to create Web pages.
02. You can use the ____________ panel to create folders to organize and store the various files for your Web site.
03. The ____________ is a graphical representation of how the pages within a Web site relate to each other.
04. The ____________ is the large white area in the Dreamweaver program window where you create and edit Web pages.
05. The ____________ includes eight groups of buttons displayed in a drop-down menu.
06. The ____________ toolbar contains buttons that can be used to render different media types.
07. The ____________ toolbar contains buttons that are used when working directly in the code.
08. The ____________ is located below the document window.
09. What text formatting can be applied from the Property inspector?
10. What is used to apply a class style to selected text?
11. How many Sites can you define with one copy of Dreamweaver installed on your computer?
12. Which of the following is not supported by older browsers?
13. Which is a prerequisite for applying a behavior to an element in a Web page?
14. The ____________ tool is used for page editing.
15. The ____________ tool is used for magnifying.
16. A ____________ is a particular way of displaying page content.
17. ____________ view shows the underlying HTML code for the page, but not how it will look on a browser.
18. ____________ contain multiple links that are usually organized in rows or columns.
19. The ____________ tab of the Help window lists Dreamweaver Help topics by category.
20. ____________ is not one of the menus available in the menu bar of Dreamweaver.
21. What should the home page of your site be named?
22. You can use Dreamweaver to create,
23. Dreamweaver's ____________ feature allows users to select colors and make perfect color matches.
24. ____________ is the process of uploading and downloading files to and from a remote site.
25. Which is required when hosting a Web site on a publicly addressable production server?
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