Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. With HTML you can create your own Website. HTML is easy to learn with this basic course. HTML in Sinhala is specially design for Sri Lankans who are interesting to learn web technologies such as HTML.
Assessment : Yes
Certification : Printed (USD 9.90)
Minimum Marks : 75%
Contents : Video
Modules : There are 19 lessons and One MCQ test for final Certification.
Modules : There are 19 lessons and One MCQ test for final Certification.
HTML in Sinhala-Introduction
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Tags
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Elements
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Basic Tags
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Attributes
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Formattings
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Comments
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Lists
HTML in Sinhala-Ordered Lists
HTML in Sinhala-Definition Lists
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Images
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Links
HTML in Sinhala-Types of Links
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Forms
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Forms (II)
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Forms (III)
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Fonts
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Tables
HTML in Sinhala-HTML Tables (II)
HTML in Sinhala-MCQ Test
Start this course to learn HTML easily in Sinhala medium. You will received a official and verified instructor-signed certificate with the institution's logo to verify your achievement and increase your job prospects.
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